Northeastern Wisconsin
Veterinary Medical Association

Renew Your Membership!

  • Log in with the button on the upper left hand corner
  • Enter your email address (the one you received a renewal notice at) and your password.  If you've forgotten your password, click on 'Forgot Password' for help
  • At the top left of the screen, click on your name
  • Click on the button to renew your membership
  • Edit your profile information and choose to pay online or mail in a check.


If you are part of a bundle membership (your clinic renews several doctors together with one payment) you will need to log in under the doctor listed as the bundle administrator to renew and make changes.

If you have any questions, please email them to the NEWVMA Office at

Upcoming events

NEWVMA Challenges your business to be a part of the Legacy Scholarship Fund.  Donate now to help us reach our goal of $25,000. 

University of Wisconsin–Madison
Help us support 3rd Year Veterinary Students at the UW-SVM!

Your donation is tax deductible!

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